Ultimately, every site has its own unique set of theme and plugins, and its own particular traffic and visitor usage.
Consequently, your WordPress or WooCommerce hosting needs are equally unique, making some hosting companies a better fit for your site than other equally good hosts that are just not as good for your website.
We offer site audits where we evaluate your setup and quiz you about your traffic and usage to determine the company that will provide the service and server infrastructure that will better fit your site and business needs.
Below are some of the hosts that we usually work with. They made our list because not only they provide the best hosting service out there, but also because they each have a managed WordPress-specific offering.
If you’re looking for the top managed WordPress hosting services, some of the hosts where we’ve seen the best results are listed below.
This list is being constantly updated, as new companies emerge and old ones drop off this vetted selection.
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The possibility of earning a commission has no role in our promotion or mention of these products. We have truly used them in projects and recommend them based on our experience working with them.